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New Enchantments/Songs 6/15/2020

Hello everyone! It is with the great generosity of one of my clients who has allowed this enchantment to be used by the public, so without naming names, I thank you for your generosity.

Attached to the song is the enchantment to aid you on reaching your goals and your aspirations. Please know, however, that it will not do the work for you, rather it will lay the path before you, yet you are the one who must walk down it.

To activate the Enchantment say the following: "Samura"

To deactivate the Enchantment say the following: "Asetho"

Here is the link to the song:

I have also added some new enchantments as well! The song title which this enchantment is attached to is called, “Running in the Forest”. This enchantment is geared towards one’s adventurous spirit to aid with one not only with exploring but also feeling the energy within their travels. It is a simple, yet rather fun enchantment to have. To activate the Enchantment say the following: “Inmagged” To deactivate the Enchantment say the following: “Lantifices” Here is the link to the song:

This next song is called “A Hero’s Sacrifice”. Attached to this song is the enchantment upon reflection. This enchantment is meant for one to better look upon the past joys, and successes. When the days are darker than usual, this enchantment is meant to help give hope that there is always another day with the potential to have the sunshine once more. This enchantment will not promote or cause one to looks only to the past, rather it is a tool to help one better overcome obstacles that may hinder growth or cause one to feel hopeless. To activate the Enchantment say the following: “ Valize” To deactivate the Enchantment say the following: “ oadwath”

I have added other songs as well, yet these are currently the new Enchantments I have added. If you would like to listen/explore other enchantments I have done, please visit this YouTube Channel and my Dark Composer Website. Here is the link to the YouTube Channel:

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