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New Songs and Enchantments

Hello everyone! I have made a couple new songs not too long ago and I would like to share you all what their enchantments are. For the song named, “The Haunted Piano” I have an enchantment to help increase paranormal activity within one’s location be it from one’s companions or potential residual haunts. This can be a bit frightening for those who are not accustom to activity so please do use this with care. Also please know that this does not add any activity rather it amplifies what is already present. This will come with an activation phrase/word and a deactivation phrase/word so one can enjoy the music without the enchantment’s effects. (And also to help regulate activity if one becomes frightened) When the enchantment is deactivated the activity will slowly revert back to its original state. The Activation Word/Phrase: Betolo The Deactivation Word/Phrase: Dasim

For the song named, “Widow’s Locket” I have put an enchantment that aids with one to sense the energies around them of what has passed. This enchantment also aids with one connecting to the past, be it past-lives, passed family members, est. It mainly highlights human spirits though so please keep this in mind. A word of caution with this enchantment, as with most enchantments that highlight sensing the past, it can cause some somber and melancholy moods depending on what you are picking up. While it is not guaranteed that one may run into this, it is always good to provided a heads-up just in case. This will come with an activation phrase/word and a deactivation phrase/word so one can enjoy the music without the enchantment’s effects. When the enchantment is deactivated one will slowly revert back to their original sensing capabilities.

The Activation Word/Phrase: Qiameth The Deactivation Word/Phrase: Royu

You can find the song here: I hope you all enjoy!

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